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GH - Total Hardness



The periodical analytical evaluation of GH in an aquarium is crucial for a serious aquarium enthusiast, and the Elos AquaTest GH makes it possible to quickly determine this value in your aquarium water.


General Hardness is primarily the concentration of Calcium (Ca++) and Magnesium (Mg++), the two most important metal cations with more than single positive charge. If the amount of these salts is low, then the water is called soft. When their amount is higher, the water is called hard.


Total hardness is normally given in German degrees (dH°), whereby 1 dH° is equal to 10 mg/Lt dissolved Calcium oxide. The concentration of these salts inside the water effect the biological functions of plants and fishes, where the determined optimal value for the General Hardness is based on the species of fish and plants. Example: Many African and South East Asian species flourish in relatively hard water, whereas South American ones may need soft water.



  • High precision: thanks to the use of calibrated droppers
  • NIST validation: each batch is validated using NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) samples.
  • High number of test per kit: up to 50 test (with a standard GH level of 10 dGH)
  • "Safe reagents": reagents and testing procedures are based on Low Risk Reagents. None of our test kits are based on Toxic Reagents.


ELOS AquaTest GH, as well as all the other titrimetric test kits of this line, grant very high precision thanks to several procedures like the use of calibrated droppers with constant and predefined drops of 0,03 ml each, the validation of our reagents, through NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) validation and the careful stock management to supply to our customers ONLY the freshest production batch. 


The Elos AquaTest GH includes:


  • Precise, calibrated dropper
  • Precision measuring vial
  • Syringe

GH - Total Hardness

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