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pH - Marine

ELOS AQUA TEST KIT - PH MARINE - (high range – 7.6-9.0) pH 


The pH-value is a measure of the concentration of the acidic or alkaline components in a hydrous solution. Pure water will react neutral and has a pH-value of 7. If the acidic components are predominant, the pH value will drop below 7.

In marine aquariums, the optimum pH value is between 8.2 and 8.5. Many organisms will react with high sensitivity to large variations of the pH-value. A dramatic swing of pH should be avoided whenever possible. Regular monitoring of the pH-level is one of the basic tests necessary to note and to avoid any negative developments.

ELOS AquaTest Marine is specifically developed for the marine aquarium and allows the determination of the pH-value (with the help of a finely tuned color scale) to indicate a range of 7.6 to 9.0 pH-units



  • Easy-reading: "Real Color" technology.
  • High precision: thanks to the use of calibrated droppers
  • NIST validation: each batch of Elos reagents is validated using NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) samples
  • "Safe reagents": reagents and testing procedures are based on Low Risk Reagents. ELOS test kits are not based on Toxic Reagents.
  • Marine Aquarium (high range – 7.6-9.0) pH



ELOS AquaTest pH Marine, as well as all the other colorimetric test kit of this line, grant very high precision thanks to several procedures like the use of "RealColor" technology, an accurate system to calibrate the color chart compared to the reagents; the validation of each reagent with NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) certified samples and the careful stock management to supply to our customers ONLY the freshest production batch. 

pH - Marine

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